Players spend most of Mass Outcome ii preparing Commander Shepard, the Normandy and its crew for the suicide mission on the other side of the Omega four Relay. If Shepard spent their time and effort to secure squad loyalty by helping everyone get their affairs in order, and they spoke to all squad members about upgrades that might assistance them in their mission, chances are heading into that final fight didn't seem like then much of a death sentence. Appearances might be deceiving, however, as there are several tasks in the fight with the Collectors that require a flake of finesse, and merely certain squad members can practise them.

Strategizing how best to utilize Shepard's resources when the time comes ways coming dorsum from the Collector Base with all squadmates and crew members alive, but it won't be easy. The pressure of that last fight means making on-the-spot decisions with the power to end lives, and even though the entire squad knew what they were signing on for when they agreed to come, no one actually wants to die during a suicide mission.

Squadmate Resources and Loyalty

Each squadmate comes to the mission with something more to offering than their services (not including DLC squadmates, Kasumi and Zaeed). Armor upgrades, special weapons, shielding and biotic enhancements are all necessary factors for squadmate readiness. The three most essential items to ensure survival come up from Garrus, who offers the Thannix Cannon, Jacob, who brings the Silaris Armor Tech and Tali, who tin hook Shepard up with the Cyclone Shield Tech. All the same, each of these items price resources, so scanning those planets and collecting elements like Palladium and Platinum is an essential part of ensuring those items are added to the Normandy.

Squadmates also have loyalty missions. Because they are putting their lives on the line, it's important to make sure their loyalty is gained before heading into the Omega four Relay and then they tin can focus on the mission and nothing else. Attend to the personal missions each one of them asks for aid with and carry it out successfully. Non gaining squadmate loyalty is a surefire mode to get them killed on the Collector Base of operations.

Obtaining Legion and the Reaper IFF

In one case the Reaper IFF and Legion have been obtained, things offset to motility very quickly. To consummate the overall mission, which means rescuing the abducted coiffure, there can't be any stopping along the way. If there are 4 or more missions left when the IFF is installed, the game will allow the completion of four missions before launching the Collector abduction aboard the Normandy.

To remedy this, take intendance of as many of the remaining missions and side quests as possible earlier going subsequently the IFF and picking up Legion. To gain Legion'due south loyalty, it must be activated and spoken to earlier going well-nigh the Galaxy Map to gain its loyalty mission, which can and then be undertaken earlier the coiffure abduction.

Mission: The Omega 4 Relay

After the crew'due south abduction, heading into the Omega iv Relay is the priority. Whatsoever other stops forth the way volition result in the crew's death. The items purchased from Jacob, Garrus and Tali will keep everyone live while approaching the Collector Base of operations. Without the Silaris Armor Tech, Jack could dice before even reaching the base. Tali's Cyclone Shield Tech keeps the crew safe while Joker navigates the debris field. The Thannix Cannon protects everyone confronting the Collector ship. The unabridged team enters the Collector Base of operations together. When choosing the squadmates to follow Shepard through to the stop of the game, information technology's important to deport in mind the strength of the defensive squad that stays behind.

The offset major determination is the tech specialist who navigates the vents to featherbed the base defenses and open the main gate. Ideal squadmates for this include Tali, Kasumi and Legion. Anyone else chosen will die before they can open the gate or suffocate inside the vents. To keep the squadmate from dying in the vents, it'southward essential to hurry through battle and get the next area unlocked.  The 2nd major choice to be made is who volition lead the 2d burn team. Garrus, Jacob and Miranda are the best choices, as anyone else will non be able to keep their teammates live.

Upon discovering the remnants of the coiffure, who have all survived if no stops were made, reviving them and sending them dorsum to the transport is essential. Choosing a squadmate to escort them is essential to their survival. The most logical choice to take them back to the Normandy (which also guarantees his survival) is a loyal Mordin. Next, Shepard and their squad navigate through Collector swarms, and having a powerful biotic to create a barrier is important. Either Samara/Morinth or Jack are the only options. So long as they are loyal, they volition meet Shepard and the squad through the swarms without issue. If they are non loyal or a less powerful biotic, like Jacob, is chosen, the swarms will bear off at to the lowest degree ane squad member, resulting in their death.

Choosing the second fire team leader establishes leadership for the residual of the squad, who stay behind to agree the line and provide a distraction while Shepard infiltrates the base of operations. Much like the first burn down team, a squadmate with potent leadership skills like Miranda, Garrus or Jacob is platonic. No one else will not be able to handle the pressure or responsibility. Each squadmate has a specific amount of points that determine their defence force level based on their loyalty. Jack, Mordin, Kasumi and Tali each offer 1 defense point if they are loyal. Thane, Jacob, Samara/Morinth, Legion and Miranda bring 2 points if they are loyal and ane point if they are non. Garrus, Grunt and Zaeed add together 4 points to defense if they are loyal and iii points if they are non. Average the entire fire team's defense score and carve up by the number of members to decide their overall defence. For example, bold all team members are loyal and Garrus leads the burn squad, while Thane and Grunt join Shepard, the defense score average is 2, which is the requirement to ensure everyone'south survival.

Mission: Reaching the Central Sleeping room

With a strong fire team in place, Shepard tin accelerate deeper into the base. Five platforms, similar to those on the Collector Ship, fly in with multiple enemies that include Collector Drones, Guardians and Assassins, whatever of which can become overpowered by Harbinger at whatsoever time. Battle through them, advancing when possible to choice up more than ammo, and when the 6th platform moves in, take out the Abominations and Scions and advance to the console to fly to the central chamber where the final enemy awaits.

The Collectors take been building a human Reaper, and the big bad at the end is a Human-Reaper Larva that must exist destroyed. Between fighting off Collectors, aim at the feeding tubes to shut them down and cut off power to the Larva. With all iv tubes destroy, the Reaper falls into the chasm, and Shepard reaches out to the fire team for a condition update before telling Joker to prep the transport for departure.

When moving to destroy the Collector Base of operations, the Illusive Man will attempt to reason with Shepard, telling them Cerberus could apply that Reaper to eternalize their defenses in the upcoming battle. Shepard's pick hither has consequences in the 3rd game. Unfortunately, regardless of Shepard'southward choice, the Reaper Larva didn't die in the fall. Information technology reemerges from the chasm, and Shepard tin target the weak spots in its eyes or chest to begin taking it downward. Ammo and biotic powers that aid reduce armor are essential hither, equally they assist diminish the Reaper'southward armor more than quickly and so information technology can be taken out.

There are also occasional Collector enemies that join in the fight, with Harbinger taking control of them to try and stop Shepard from ruining its plans. Acceleration them quickly and return focus to the Reaper, which will occasionally drop below the platform and render in a different location. Once the Reaper has been destroyed, information technology triggers the final cutscene sequences, which show Shepard running for the Normandy to escape the base. Afterwards navigating away from the destruction, Shepard can speak with the Illusive Man, whose responses will exist different based on whether or not they chose to destroy the Collector Base.

After a conversation with the Illusive Man, the cutscene will visit the surviving crewmembers, showing them all going most various tasks aboard the Normandy. It's business concern as usual, and for the moment, they are all happy they survived, but the Reapers are still coming, and they'll need to be ready.

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